Teacher Resources

Bird Extinction

Bird Extinction is the theme of this year’s 4-12 art contest. The purpose of this topic is to raise awareness about birds that have gone extinct in the past and those that are at risk now. Other festival activities related to this topic are a community-wide passenger pigeon origami folding project underway in Klamath Falls schools and the showing of the Lost Bird Project Film at OIT on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016 at 4:30 pm.

Students may choose birds that have gone extinct in North America or other countries.

To learn more about extinct North American birds, here are several suggested websites:

Lost Bird Project

Why the Passenger Pigeon Went Extinct

The last Carolina Parakeet

Heath Hen

Here are some images of North America birds lost to extinction:

Carolina Parakeet


Passenger Pigeon
Heath Hen







Threatened or Endangered Birds in Oregon

Students may also choose a bird that is threatened or endangered at this time. Some suggested birds for their art are:

Brown Pelican

California Least Tern

Marbled Murrelet

Western Snowy Plover

Short-tailed Albatross

Northern Spotted Owl

Comprehensive information and photos of these birds may be found at the Cornell Lab or Ornithology’s All About Birds site.