- 620 participants registered for activities. An estimated 1200 attended the free events and vendor areas.
- Participants counted 76,709 birds in 64 species! Get the details in the 2009 Bird Count (PDF)
- Check out the Photo Gallery!
2010 Winter Wings Festival
Mark Your Calendar!
The 2010 Winter Wings Festival sponsored by the Klamath Basin Audubon Society is in its early stages of planning. The information on this page is about the 2010 edition of the event. The remainder of the website is about the 2009 edition. While all the details will change, you can learn what the festival is all about by reviewing the 2009 activities and events. When the program is finalized this fall, the website will be entirely updated.
Located in both south central Oregon and northern California, the Basin is a key player on the Pacific Flyway, hosting 80% of the birds that use the Flyway. A total of six separate nearby refuges comprise the total National Wildlife Refuge complex spanning nearly 200,000 acres. A unique, strong cooperative partnership between farming, water resources, and the refuges provides an abundance of food and water that attracts vast numbers of waterfowl and raptors.
Phenomenal birding/nature-related opportunities for all ages are yours at the Winter Wings Festival. Whether you are a beginning birder, a life-long birding enthusiast, or a photographer of any skill level, you will be impressed by the rich diversity present in the Klamath Basin during wintertime.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER for 2010 - Saturday Night
Scott Weidensaul, a well-known wildlife writer, lecturer, and field researcher, will be the keynote speaker on February 13, 2010. His topic: "Living on the Wind: The World of Migratory Birds" . . . At any moment of every day, migratory birds fill the skies of the western hemisphere, journeying from the High Arctic to Tierra del Fuego, across the Atlantic and Pacific, moving by day and night. Join naturalist and author Scott Weidensaul on an exploration of how and why birds migrate, and the conservation challenges that face them, based on his book, "Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere with Migratory Birds." The program ranges from the doorstep of the Aleutians in Alaska, and the frozen edge of Hudson Bay in Canada, through the rain forests of Central and South America to the grassy pampas of Argentina, and is filled with the drama and sweep of this remarkable phenomenon.
On Saturday, Scott will be giving a presentation on his owl research "The Enigmatic World of Owls." Everyone loves owls - the beauty, mystery and charm of these nocturnal birds. But science is still unlocking many of the secrets of owl biology and ecology, and there is a great deal still to be discovered about them. Scott will take us into the enigmatic world of owls, with a special focus on northern saw-whet owls, a little-known species he's been studying for more than a decade, revealing some of the surprising discoveries he and his volunteer research team have made."
Scott is the author of more than two dozen books on natural history, including the Pulitzer Prize finalist "Living on the Wind", about bird migration, "Return to Wild America: A Yearlong Search for the Continent's Natural Soul", and his newest book, "Of a Feather: A Brief History of American Birding". Weidensaul writes for such publications as Audubon, Nature Conservancy and National Wildlife; he lives in the mountains of eastern Pennsylvania, where he studies the migration of hawks, owls and
Guest Speaker for 2010 - Friday Night Opening Presentation
Bill Clark's topic is "Eagle Quest." He will recount his adventures with the world's eagles. We begin by learning what makes an eagle an eagle, and then hear about some adventures with the two North American eagles: Bald and Golden. Bill will also share some of his experiences and photos with eagles throughout the world, taking us to India, Israel, Japan, Africa, South America, the Philippines, Australia, Madagascar, and most recently, Indonesia. We'll also hear about some recent changes in eagle taxonomy. In addition, Bill Clark will be presenting a workshop on "Eagle Identification" on Saturday
Bill Clark is a photographer, author, and lecturer and has over 45 years experience working with birds of prey, including 5 years as Director of NWF's Raptor Information Center. He has published numerous articles on raptor subjects; has traveled extensively worldwide studying, observing, and photographing raptors; and regularly leads raptor and birding tours and workshops, both home and abroad, with his company, Raptours.
Bill has been living in the Rio Grande Valley since 2002. He regularly teaches evening and weekend courses on raptor field identification and biology, including for the World Birding Center and Valley Nature Center, and frequently presents lectures on raptor subjects. He has written a raptor field guide for Europe, and is writing two others for Africa and for Mexico and Central America. He is a coauthor of the Photographic Guide to North American Raptors and the completely revised Peterson series guide, Hawks. He also has on-going research projects on Harlan's Hawk, White-tailed Hawk, and Harris's Hawk. Some of his latest scientific papers deal with raptor taxonomy.
Bill has a personal goal to see and photograph all of the world's diurnal raptors, and has already seen most of the world's eagles.
Friday Night Photography Presentation . . . and more!
Explorer of Light Rick Sammon has published 34 books, including his latest, Rick Sammons Digital Photography Secrets. His book, Flying Flowers won the coveted Golden Light Award, and his book Hide and See Under the Sea won the Ben Franklin Award. Rick, who has photographed in almost 100 countries around the world, gives more than two-dozen photography workshops (including private workshops) and presentations around the world each year. Rick also hosts five shows on kelbytraining.com. He also writes for PCPhoto magazine. Rick, who has been nominated for the Photoshop Hall of Fame, is considered one of todays top digital-imaging experts, cutting through lots of Photoshop speak, making it fun, easy and rewarding to work and play in the digital darkroom. When asked about his photo specialty, Rick says, My specialty is not specializing. See www.ricksammon.com for more information. Also check out Ricks new plug-in site: www.pluginexperience.com.
Exhibitors, volunteers, sponsors and donations are welcome
Please contact one of the following people if you can help!
Exhibitors/Vendors: Beth Phillipps,
Volunteers: JoAnn Clifton, or (541)850-9212
Sponsors: Diana Samuels, or 541-850-5832
Or mail your donation to:
Klamath Basin Audubon Society, P.O. Box 354, Klamath Falls, OR 97601