Book Signings

Bill Clark
Rick Sammon

Friday February 12, 2010 9:15 pm - OIT Auditorium Lobby

Bill Clark and Rick Sammon will be available to sign copies of a couple of their books following their presentations.


Susan Strauss

Saturday February 13, 2010 Noon and 3:00 pm - OIT Auditorium Lobby

Susan Strauss will be available to sign copies of her cds and books following her two presentations.

Jeffrey Rich

Saturday February 13 at 4:15 pm - OIT Union
Sunday February 14, 2010 at Noon - OIT Union

Jeffrey Rich will be available to sign copies of his book Baby Birds following his two presentations on Saturday and Sunday.

Dan Gleason

Saturday February 13 at 11 am - OIT College Union Vendor Area
Sunday February 14, 2010 at 12:15 pm - Owens Hall

Dan Gleason will be available to sell and sign copies of Birds! From the Inside Out.

Scott Weidensaul

Saturday February 13, 2010 8:30 pm - OIT Auditorium Lobby

Scott Weidensaul will be available to sign copies of his books Living on the Wind, Return to Wild America and Of a Feather following his keynote presentation.