Larry Broderick

Larry Broderick currently does his tours and workshops with the Sonoma Land Trust, the Solano Land Trust, and the Madrone Audubon Society. He has participated in wildlife rescue, rehabilitation, release, nest monitoring, and bird censuses.

He studied Endangered Species, Birds of Prey, and Environmental Issues at Santa Rosa Junior College, where he attended his first trip to Klamath in 1990. He has been back to the Lower Klamath Refuge System for the past 15 years. He has an extensive background in raptor ID over the last 20 years, primarily in Northern California.

For the past 15 years he has learned from the four pillars of "North" at the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory at the Marin Headlands. His latest work is implementing a GGRO-style hawk watch at the Jenner Headlands under the Sonoma Land Trust Management. With assistance from the GGRO he will be leading a small team of raptor ID personnel at the newly found flyway. The trial run held this year (Fall, 2010) was very successful, with peak days of up to 90 hawks per hour.