Dr. Jeff Smith
H. T. Harvey & Associates
Jeff is an experienced wildlife ecologist and ornithologist with particular expertise in raptor biology, ecology, and conservation. He recently joined the ecological consulting team at H. T. Harvey & Associates in Los Gatos, California to provide raptor expertise and coordinate projects concerned with understanding and mitigating wildlife effects associated with wind-energy development. Before joining HTH, Jeff served for 11 years as Science Director at HawkWatch International, a non-profit headquartered in Utah and dedicated to raptor conservation. He coordinated long-term raptor migration studies in 10 primarily western states, with research emphasizing developing effective long-term monitoring strategies and raptor movement ecology. He also developed an extensive raptor nesting study in the northern Great Basin and coordinated several other projects that addressed and mitigated human-related threats to raptors. Jeff currently is a member of the California Swainson's Hawk Technical Advisory Committee, a member of a Golden Eagle Science Team seeking to develop a national conservation plan for the species, and is as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Raptor Research. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts, including co-editing/authoring the 2008 book State of North America's Birds of Prey.