K2 - State of the Birds


Saturday 4:30 - 5:30 pm OIT West Auditorium.

Bird populations are bellwethers of the health of our nation's ecosystems. In March of 2009, an unprecedented collaboration between government agencies and conservation organizations resulted in the release of a report on "The State of the Birds." The report provides a comprehensive and sobering account of the status of our bird populations, and thus of the ecological services provided by the ecosystems they depend on. The report also cites conservation success stories as reason for optimism about our ability to restore the nation's ecosystems. Join John Alexander (Executive Director, Klamath Bird Observatory) for a discussion of the report's principal findings concerning our avifauna and implications for bird conservation in the western U.S. The Klamath Bird Observatory conducts research and monitoring as well as education and outreach to advance the conservation of birds and their habitats in the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion, and was involved in the development of the report.

Fee: Free