2016 Vendors and Displays
Display space for participating agencies or non-profits without sales is available on a first come-first served basis and there is no charge for the first table, however, a second table will be $35. Vendor sales space is $70 per table or space and $80 per table or space with electricity (limited availability). We are limiting the downstairs space at OIT to 45 vendors/displays. All space is available on a first come-first served basis with nature-related vendors and displays receiving priority.
All vendors be expected to stay during the entire festival from Friday through Sunday.
We hope you will join us for this fabulous winter event.
If you have any questions, please contact Ginny Monroe at ten.e1453513428vrese1453513428rif@s1453513428ercaw1453513428orraf1453513428as1453513428.
Click here for a vendor application
Vendor hours in the OIT Campus Union will be from 2:00-6:00 PM Friday, February 12; 10:00 AM-6:00 PM Saturday, February 13; and 9:00 AM-Noon Sunday, February 14.
Please visit our vendors and their websites:
Coldwell Banker Holman Premier Realty
Hixson Creations
Klamath District Garden Clubs
Tom Templeton Photography