Thursday, February 13

W3 A Beginner’s Guide to Owl ID Workshop /F6 Upper Klamath Basin Owl Prowl Combo [New]

Thursday 3:00 – 4:00 pm, OIT College Union Mt. Bailey/Mt. Thielsen rooms
Join naturalist Damian Fagan for an introduction to nocturnal birds of prey: the owls. Learn basic identification by sight and sound, as well as the natural history of owls that occur in the Klamath Basin. Classroom session will highlight field marks and calls of these nocturnal predators. Recommended for the beginning owler.

Thursday 5:00 – 9:45 pm, Meet at OIT Dow Center entrance for bus trip
Join former Spotted Owl surveyor Damian Fagan in his W3 owl ID workshop followed by a night owl prowl in the upper Klamath Basin. Travel from Klamath Falls to the marshes and woodlands where we’ll look and listen for Great Gray, Great Horned, Northern Saw-whet, Barred and other owls that inhabit the northern portion of the Basin. Learn how to ID owls by their call and their natural history. Also includes a hearty, home-cooked dinner at Rocky Point along the way.

Fee: $50 includes W3 workshop and F6 field trip

Thursday, February 13/Friday, February 14

W2 Big Picture Tools for Golden Eagle Conservation Workshop/ F10 Finding Golden Eagles is the Goal Combo [New]

Thursday 1:15 – 2:45 pm, OIT College Union Mt. Bailey room
Join Brian Woodbridge for an enlightening talk on western Golden Eagle breeding and wintering distribution and habitat, and movements and migration in the Klamath Basin and beyond. He will explain how satellite telemetry data and other state of the art information was collected and synthesized to provide “big picture” tools for Golden Eagle conservation and management.

Friday 8:15 am – 3:15 pm, Meet at the OIT Dow Center entrance

Brian Woodbridge will take you on a fact-filled tour of the Klamath Basin and beyond. You will see first hand what comprises prime Golden Eagle breeding and wintering habitat, track and hopefully observe some of Brian’s satellite telemetry tagged eagles, and of course, you will be looking at other raptor species along the way! Includes lunch. Limited to 12.

Fee: $85 includes W2 workshop and F10 field trip

W4 Learn the Essentials of Photographing Birds in Flight Workshop/F8 Raptor Photo Shoot 1 [New]

Thursday 3:00 – 4:30 pm, OIT College Union Mt. McLouglin
Tim Boyer will cover the best strategies for capturing birds-in-flight. Learn which shutter speeds, auto focus selection points, drive modes, ISO, aperture, lens focusing distance, and all the camera and lens settings, angles of approach, sun and wind angles and everything else you’ll need to create birds-in-flight images. Includes Friday F8 Raptor Photo Shoot with West Coast Falconry 1. Partially underwritten by Olympus Cameras.

Friday 8:00 – 11:00 am, Meet at the Running Y Ranch Resort lobby (carpool to shoot site at Running Y)
Calling all photographers! This informal, three hour outdoor raptor photo shoot offers an incredible opportunity to get “lens to beak” with up to 11 different birds of prey for free-flight and portrait photography. Master Falconer Kate Marden and other staff from the West Coast Falconry Center will handle the birds. Tim Boyer will be on hand to assist you with the technical aspects of shooting birds in flight and putting into practice what you learned in the Thursday W4 workshop. A limited selection of Olympus cameras and lenses will be available to use during this event. Partially underwritten by Olympus Cameras.

Fee: $115 includes F4 workshop and F8 field trip

W4 Learn the Essentials of Photographing Birds in Flight Workshop/F16 Raptor Photo Shoot 2 [New]

Thursday 3:00 – 4:30 pm, OIT College Union Mt. McLoughlin room
Tim Boyer will cover the best strategies for capturing birds-in-flight. Learn which shutter speeds, auto focus selection points, drive modes, ISO, aperture, lens focusing distance, and all the camera and lens settings, angles of approach, sun and wind angles and everything else you’ll need to create birds-in-flight images. Includes Friday F8 Raptor Photo Shoot with West Coast Falconry 1. Partially underwritten by Olympus Cameras.

Friday 1:00 – 4:00 pm, Meet at the Running Y Ranch Resort lobby (carpool to shoot site at Running Y)
Calling all photographers! This informal, three hour outdoor raptor photo shoot offers an incredible opportunity to get “lens to beak” with up to 11 different birds of prey for free-flight and portrait photography. Master Falconer Kate Marden and other staff from the West Coast Falconry Center will handle the birds. Tim Boyer will be on hand to assist you with the technical aspects of shooting birds in flight and putting into practice what you learned in the Thursday W4 workshop. A limited selection of Olympus cameras and lenses will be available to use during this event. Partially underwritten by Olympus Cameras.

Fee: $115 includesThursday F4 workshop andFriday F16 field trip

Friday, February 14/Saturday, February 15

W5 Raptor 101 Workshop/ F24 Raptors 101 ID Field Trip/Combo [New]

Friday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, OIT College Union Mt. Bailey/Mt. Thielsen rooms
Join naturalist Damian Fagan for an introduction to diurnal birds of prey. Learn basic identification and the natural history of hawks, eagles and falcons that occur in the Klamath Basin, as well as throughout the western U.S. Classroom session will highlight field marks. Recommended for beginner raptorphiles!

Satuday 8:15 am to 3:15 pm, Meet at OIT Dow Center entrance
Begin with the Friday Raptor 101 ID workshop. Then explore some of the Klamath Basin’s raptor hotspots with naturalist Damian Fagan on Saturday. He’ll focus on field marks as well as shape, size, and general behavior to work your new skills at identifying local eagles, hawks and falcons. By day’s end, you’ll gain an appreciation for the prey base that attracts all these raptors to the Klamath Basin! Includes lunch.
Fee: $60 includes mandatory workshop W6 and F24 field trip

W6 Intermediate/Advanced Raptor ID Workshop /F26 Raptor ID Field Trip

Friday 2:00 – 5:00 pm, OIT College Union Mt. McLoughlin room
This always-popular workshop returns for 2020! Dick Ashford will provide a straightforward introduction to the identification of our local hawks, eagles, and falcons. The classroom presentation will help you sharpen your raptor ID skills. These skills will be put to the test on the companion Saturday trip. Recommended for intermediate or advanced birders.

Saturday 8:30 am – 3:15 pm, Meet at Best Western Plus Olympic Inn, 2627 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls (carpool field trip)
Dick Asford will continue the teaching/learning experience in a mobile field classroom setting. The goal is for you to be able to identify 90% of the hawks you’ll encounter during our day together and have fun doing it! Carpooling is mandatory so we can access some special spots in the Basin. Includes lunch.

Fee: $65 includes Friday W6 workshop and the Saturday F26 field trip and lunch


Limited to 4 vehicles on this carpool trip.

Friday, February 14/Sunday, February 16

W6 Intermediate/Advanced Raptor ID Workshop /F33 Raptor ID Field Trip

Friday 2:00 – 5:00 pm, OIT College Union Mt. McLoughlin room
This always-popular workshop returns for 2020! Dick Ashford will provide a straightforward introduction to the identification of our local hawks, eagles, and falcons. The classroom presentation will help you sharpen your raptor ID skills. These skills will be put to the test on the companion Sunday trip. Recommended for intermediate or advanced birders.

Sunday 8:30 am – 3:15 pm, Meet at Best Western Plus Olympic Inn, 2627 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls (carpool field trip)
Dick Ashford will continue the teaching/learning experience in a mobile field classroom setting. The goal is for you to be able to identify 90% of the hawks you’ll encounter during our day together and have fun doing it! Carpooling is mandatory so we can access some special spots in the Basin. Includes lunch.

Fee: $65 includes Friday W6 workshop and the Sunday F33 field trip and lunch


Limited to 4 vehicles on this carpool trip.